Friday, October 21, 2011

Eggless Coffee flavor Tres Leches (Mexican Cake)

Ingredients :

For Cake
1 1/2 cup All Purpose Flour
1 cup Whole Wheat Flour
1/4 cup butter
1/8 cup olive oil (You can substitute this with butter for more soft cake)
1 cup sugar
4-5 tbs Coffee
1 tsp Vanilla Essence (Pure is better)
2 tbs Bakin Powder
1 tsp Baking Soda
3/4 Can of Non Fat Condensed Milk (1 can = 396 g)
1/4 cup Chocolate chips (optional)
1/4 cup skim milk

For Tres Leches Softness:
1/2 Can Non Fat Evaporated Milk
1/2 Cup Skim Milk

For Icing:
1/2 Packet (4 Oz) Fat free Cream Cheese (Full Fat will taste much better but have more Calories ;))
3/4 Cup Icing Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Essence

For Decoration :
Coffee Powder
Your Favorite Chocolate Bar :)
And Chocolate waffer

Hand Mixie or Laddle
Vegetable peeler

Step 1) Mix all the dry ingredients of Cake in a Bowl namely (Flours, baking powder, baking soda and Coffee) and keep it aside

Step 2) Beat the non dry ingredients of a cake namely (Condensed Milk , Butter and Sugar)

Step 3) Now mix all of these ingredients together and beat it till the mixture is soft and easy to pour. Add skim milk if necessary  (Only if the paste is too thick ) and beat again.

Step 4) Grease the baking pan with tsp of Oil /Butter.

Step 5) Pour the Mixture in the Pan ( We used 8 inch Diameter Round pan)

Step 6) Preheat the oven to 350F

Step 7) Put the pan in the oven to bake it for around 35 mins.

After 35 mins....

Check if the cake is ready (This varies depending on the type and power of the oven being used.)
Perform a quick test using toothpick.

Take the pan out and insert the tooth pick at the center. If you are able to remove the toothpick without the batter on it, then your cake is ready :) (yayyyy) if not then put it back in the oven for another 3-4 mins and do the test again.

For Tres Leches:
Let the cake cool for 45 mins.
Now mix the ingredients for tres leaches (namely Evaporated Milk and Skim Milk) in a bowl.

Step 8) After your cake is completely cooled, make holes (around 35 -50 holes) on the cake with bamboo skewers.

Step 9) Pour the mixture of milk on it, and let the cake absorb it.

Step 10) Cover the cake with cling film and put it inside the fridge for cooling. You need to cool it atleast for 2 hrs so that all the milk is completely absorbed

For icing:
Beat the Cream cheese and Sugar in a Bowl.
Add little vanilla essence to it.

And beat it further with light hands or on a slow speed of your hand mixie till it becomes fluffy.

Take the cake out from fridge and apply the icing on the cake using butter knife .
Make sure that you do not create crumbs or craters in the cake while applying frosting.
To prevent this, when applying frosting, make sure you complete the stroke without lifting off the knife from the cake. Try to apply single stroke of knife in one direction to apply frosting smoothly.

And now Decoration..........

After the frosting is applied on the cake, we are ready for decorations :).
Use a vegetable Peeler to shave the chocolate chips on the cake.
You can also use strainer to sprinkle coffee powder on the cake.
Cut the chocolate wafer and stick them on the side .

Tadaaaaaa and the delicious cake is ready!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try it and let us know how it turns out!!! :)


  1. I recently tried this recipe and absolutely loved it....the directions are just perfect... the flavour is awesome...the decoration also adds to the charm:)...looking forward to trying all the other recipes..

    1. Thanks Rashmi for your comment.. Hope you have fun trying other recipes too :)
